Monday, February 05, 2007

Wesley Clark at the DNC Winter Meeting, February 2, 2007. has a post called "Wesley Clark Video" that's worth checking out...

Wes's speech still isn't tuned to the audience, which was hardcore Dems who reacted more to Hillary than to Wes. But I think that Wes's sentiments will appeal more to the country at large, not to mention the fact that he has far more experience with foreign policy and national security affairs. Hillary does have the one issue of health care down, and I know that that's important, but I don't think it's as critical as either the threat of global warming or the disastrous war and our relations with the rest of the world. We can deal with health care when we get more pressing issues out of the way, and Hillary would be the person to push universal coverage through Congress.

But let's not forget Barack Obama! He doesn't have enough experience to be president yet, but one day he will make one of the best we ever had.

In the meantime I think Wes Clark is not only the most qualified candidate in any party, I think he is the Democrat with the best chance of winning in today's world. Maybe he should have used this speech instead:

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