Monday, April 11, 2005

Yahoo! News - Villagers Riot in China, 50 Police Said Injured

Hang in there, Nationalist China!

Yahoo! News - Villagers Riot in China, 50 Police Said Injured: "a string of outbreaks of rural violence as the world's most populous nation faces disgruntlement over a widening wealth gap and widespread corruption.

"The ruling Communist Party is keen to curb dissent and preserve social stability, but a spate of recent protests and their scale illustrate the extent of grievances in rural China."

When the Chinese economy inevitably tanks, maybe a democratic Republic of China can finally retake power on the mainland, if, that is, they can finally accept land reform for the inevitability it was.

Heck , if they promise the farmers their land they could really reverse the fortunes of the Communist Party!

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